LHL Consulting

LHL Consulting is an incubator for ideas that center art, climate, and our collective future. 

We see a future where art is foundational to a climate-conscious, resilient, and equitable world. 

Our goal is to build capacity within the art sector to shift paradigms and practices towards these models. We identify blocks to change and create pathways around them. We advance sector-wide initiatives and provide tailored sustainability coaching and consulting for galleries, institutions, and artist studios. 

What we do

LHL Consulting conceives and accelerates sector-wide initiatives and support frameworks. Recognizing the need for a global shift in thinking and practice within museums, galleries, and other art spaces, we develop and design projects that respond to the direct needs of artists, workers, vendors, and other art-world stakeholders in order to transition to a climate-conscious future.

Demonstrated successes include:

We also provide tailored climate coaching for individuals, nonprofits, and businesses through our paid consulting services.

Our retainer-based membership model for staff support provides your team with a resident expert on sustainable best practices. LHL Consulting consultants serve as go-to mentors for questions that arise in planning exhibitions, programs, and day-to-day operations, and can support an internal staff green team to direct effective and sector aligned action. Our hands on experience combined with our long-standing relationships with an expansive network of specialists in the field allows us to scale up the strategic planning and execution of more ambitious climate actions and projects as they arise.

Learn more

Reach out at support@climateconsulting.art to learn more about how we can work together to support climate action in the art sector.

Not ready to work with us? Learn more about Climate Action in the arts and resources to support action here.